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Friday 8 April 2011


For my magazine i wanted to find out some inital research in which I could use to base my magazine on.

I questioned 20 people around my college to gain  clear insight into what interests them.

below is the questions in which I will ask to my peers:

How old are you? (Please write on line)

What type of music are you most interested in? (Tick)
Pop                       Indie                    Grime                      RnB                      Punk                  Rock

Who is your favourite music artist? (Please write on line)

What is your favourite colour?

How often do you buy magazines? (Please tick)
Once a week                    Once a month                   Twice a month                      Never

How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (Comments)
From these questions asked I can get a clear illustration on what to add to my magazine.
Here is an example of a completed questionaire:

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