Hello Earthlings!

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Friday 8 April 2011

Front cover stages

As you can see from this template I used the main image as a foundation block to base and layer the rest of my design onto. This image was edited on photoshop in which I clicked "Auto contrast" to give it a boost and make her features stand out more. I had also created her
tagline previously which makes it stand out.

At this stage I placed my masthead which I had again previously created on indesign to my page as well as a few tagline to give my product initial shape and structure. At this point I had created a black banner at the top of the page to cover the white gap which had appeared on my first draft.
On this week my magazine was really taking shape. I had finished the taglines and added a banner at the top to make it more appealing. Under my masthead I wanted an extras colloum, however the design of this is tricky to manaeuvour so it juts out at an unattractive angle. This is something I will have to manage and improve.

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