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Friday, 8 April 2011

Possible names and font for magazine

I wanted my magazine to be unique and fresh to fit with my target audience so I sat long and hard to put together a few suitable names which would correspond with the theme I was going for.

Here are the examples I gathered:

From this and asking feedback from my peers I finally settled on the name "Edge" my theme supports this name as I literally wanted a new "edge" for my magazine, this would also appeal to my target audience as the word "edge" could indicate new, so therefore it would be fresh and unique.

For my font I wanted something bold and easilly recognisable, I was confused at first of what font to choose but i put a few example together and finally come to an agreement of which I should choose.

Here are the examples I gathered:

From my examples you can see I used a range of different texts but finally settled on a big, bold font (Stone Sans ITC TT) which is easily observed and initially easy to recognise. This font will porbably shadow throughout my magazine to create a rhythm and keep it looking professional.

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