Here is my final piece of my preliminary task as; My front cover and contents page. On the front cover, the colours I have redominantly chosen to use are green and blue, this is because the "South Downs" logo is in blue and green, I think my colours incorporated well with with the theme of the magazine which was ultimately a college magazine. Both colours appeal to both genders off my readership which is the teenage audience as my magazine's context is college. The font I used was "lushus" I believe it gave the magazine a modern feel and established a fun and quirky sense to the magazine in which my target audience could relate too. I put the font in bold and capital, to create a more dominant eye view. Having it in bold also makes the magazine more eye catching and almost imprints the word "Student" into your mind. I chose to name my magazine "Student" as I believe it's straight to the point and the word "Student" applies directly too my target audience as the readership are students at college. I think this is a strength of my magazine as the masthead is short, simple and easily understood. On Indesign I used "The rectangle tool" followed by the "translucent" effect to create a coloured box in which my tag lines are situated. Again the colour green is used to match the colour scheme of my magazine. I also used a "drop shadow" effect on the boxes to make them stand out from the page and give a 3d effect which will make my magazine more eye catching.
One of the weaknesses of my Front Cover is the main image. I could have improved this by staging a more appropriate photo and ensuring the model is facing the camera, having the model looking away from the camera draws the connectivity away from the reader. However, the model is looking at my tag lines which draws eye attention to the boxes which would appeal to my readership as it gives them an insight of what is inside the magazine.
The tag lines are used are simple, and used in "Arial" font, I used this font because it's not to fancy and gives a more professional aspect. I also used the "drop shadow" effect on this, to again make it more eye catching. The tag lines themselves are effective as it appeals direct to the readership and demonstrates what is happening around college, which again will appeal to the reader and entice them to read more.
At the bottom of my front cover I used a "advertisement slogan" this would appeal to the reader as it tells them that they are getting more than a magazine, they are getting a chance to win a prize which is ultimately a "free public transport pass" which again would appeal to readers as students often have to pay money in order to get to college such as catching a train, bus or boat.
The Contents Page of my magazine fits in well with my Front cover. Again the same colours are used that were incorporated in my Front Cover, but some were added for example "Red and Pink" just to appeal a bit more to the female readership, and also make the text stand out. Again I used the "rectangle tool" to create translucent boxes in which I placed pictures using the "place" tool. The contents page is more basic and gets straight to the point but still gives a fun professional look.
Overall I believe the project went quite well, I have a more established understanding of "in design" and the functions and tools of the program. I am generally happy with my Designs as this was the first time I have used the software. However I believe i could have used the main image of my Front Cover to an advantage and make the magazine look more professional and also arranged the page to look more professional. The contents page could have linked in more with my front cover and I could have made it more exciting instead of basic and again used better images to support my magazine.
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